K3 - K4
We believe that the foundation of a Christian education is the greatest gift parents can give their children. Our educational program begins with 3 and 4 year-old children in our Preschool. We follow Abeka Christian School curriculum, teaching academics from the Christian perspective. Our students are also encouraged to play, imagine, and create. They are taught the Bible at their level and recite the Pledge of Allegiance each day, learning to love both God and Country.

K3 and K4
K5 - 6th Grade
As students transition into the Elementary grades, they continue to follow the Abeka Christian School curriculum. They begin transitioning to a new math curriculum in the 5th grade as they prepare for upper level math and science classes. Students take computer classes, accelerated reading, and STEM. They continue learning the Bible, memorizing Scripture, and reciting the Pledge of Allegiance. In the Elementary grades, reading, writing, and math skills are the major focus as our students lay the foundation for a successful transition to Junior High and beyond.

7th - 12th Grade
Junior High and High School students at PC take a college preparatory curriculum with the opportunity to take honors courses, up to 24-hours of college credit through partnerships with local colleges, and vocational training through our partnership with the Jefferson Davis County Career and Technical Education Center. A partnership with Kaplan Learning gives PC a robust ACT Prep program. Nearly all of our secondary teachers hold a Master's degree or higher. Students are also taught each subject from a Christian perspective, and begin each day with devotion and the Pledge of Allegiance.

Dual Credit
11th - 12th Grade
Through our partnership with William Carey University, our students are able to receive up to 24-hours of college credit through dual credit classes. We offer the following college courses: English Composition I, English Composition II, World Literature I, World Literature II, College Algebra, Trigonometry, and Art Appreciation.
Career and Technical Education
Available for Grades 10-12
Through partnership with the Jefferson Davis County Career and Technical Education Center, our 10th through 12th grade students are able to receive two years of vocational training.

Career and Technical Education
10th - 12th Grade
Through partnership with the Jefferson Davis County Career and Technical Education Center, our 10th through 12th grade students are able to receive two years of vocational training. Students may enroll in the following classes at the Jefferson Davis County Vo-Tech Center: Teacher Academy, Construction, Welding, Engineering, Health Science, and JROTC.
Academic Counselor

Mrs. Martha Hutton
Academic/Guidance Counselor